Last Saturday

Last Saturday all went wonderfully. I could put that down to perfect planning from us, but I think in fact it was a combination of planning, good suppliers, help from friends and family and a bit of good luck.

Firstly, the weather was lovely. After it was rather cold and overcast all week, the day was almost completely dry (apart from 2 minutes when leaving my flat) and despite a few clouds it was relatively sunny, perfect for hanging around outside as planned. I didn't put my cardi on until I was leaving at 11pm.

Next, nothing went noticeable wrong, or at all really.

So, a bit about the day. I'll start from the beginning...

We had had a busy week, with various people staying and enjoying our week off. There was some organising to do but mainly we filled the time catching up with friends, going to gigs and collecting people from stations. There were a couple of minor issues (like family illness causing a couple of late drop outs), hence the post but generally there was nothing to report.

By the time it got to Friday we were organised and I managed to fit in a couple of hours of me time. I would heartily recommend this!
In the evening we had the rehearsal at the church and then J and I headed our own ways. This was only marred by my little bro, who had major delivery duties on Saturday morning, being an hour and a quarter late (i.e. missed it completely) despite seemingly being less than a mile away through most of that time!
Once we had collected the beer and got the cars packed up we got over that and headed back to my flat with my bridesmaids. We ordered takeaway - quite healthy Turkish, yum! - drank champagne, gossiped and then watched a film.

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling calm and got myself into the shower. We headed to the hairdressers in the sun and were done in there quite quickly. In the end I really liked my tiara, my hair was really natural and the tiara added to the outfit perfectly.

In the meantime the florist had been to the flat (early, while noone was there! Luckily the flowers were left with a note in the hallway) and as it was about 11.30 we had plenty of time to get ready. An early lunch and then we started to get sorted.

Somehow the next hour disappeared and at 12.50 my dad called to say he was outside. I was still wearing my jeans and the bms were half dressed. 'No rush' he said, so we continued to get ready.

I must say I'm glad the photographer wasn't at the flat while we were getting ready on Saturday morning. The place was a bit of a mess with cases on the floor and the kitchen full of flowers, plus with people coming and going, but it was so good to be in familiar surroundings while getting ready. For one thing I'm sure I would have forgotten something!

Finally, I got dressed and after a couple of quick photos we went downstairs. Putting my shoes on at the door (I live on the second floor, I couldn't cope on the stairs!) I waited for my dad with an umbrella. A couple of people walked past and did a double take!

Dad collected me and walked me to my transport - a vintage bus, the first of a collection on the day (more about that later, the picture shows the one I arrived on) and once we were all aboard we headed off to the church. It was so nice travelling with my parents and bridesmaids, and I enjoyed the reactions of people as we drove past.

Next up - the church


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