The Engagement

I haven't written anything about the actual engagement, so I thought it was about time.

J (the h2b - that's so exciting to write!) had been away for the week visiting friends and family, so we had planned a lovely day out on the Saturday he was back. I'd bought tickets for the Psycho Buildings exhibition we both wanted to see at the Hayward Gallery, which was good fun.

Then because it was a lovely day we wandered around the South Bank looking at the photos on the National Theatre roof terrace (Alan Williams photos as on the right) and on the outside of the Tate Modern, before heading down to our favourite local in Crofton Park, Jam Circus.

Then just down the road for an always yummy dinner at the Toadsmouth too (see left). Bargainacious, delicious and plenty of wine!

All this, however, was just a precursor for the biggest surprise of my life, as I plonked myself on the sofa, J went, I thought, to take his shoes off. Coming back into the lounge he bent down on one knee and presented me with a beautiful ring.

Between bursting into tears and remembering to breathe, I managed to say "Are you serious?", after the number of times we have joked around and dismissed the idea as "not yet, we're too young", I wasn't sure, despite the ring in his hand.

When he gently reminded me I hadn't given him an answer yet, I said "of course!". I then asked "where did that come from?", meaning the proposal, but he thought I meant the ring and answered me the the name of the jewellers.

And then the fun started! We luckily had some cava in the fridge (well you never know when you might need some!) and then we started phoning round the relatives. Mine took 4 separate phone calls to reach them all as they were spread across the country at their various pursuits, but all were so happy. I cried each time I told someone!


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